ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ:Royal Brunei Land Force (RBLF) - Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei (TDDB) ensign.svg
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- Royal Brunei Navy
- No. 667 Squadron AAC
- Royal Brunei Air Force
- No. 7 Flight AAC
- Royal Brunei Land Force
- Template:Country data Brunei
- List of armies by country
- Military forces based in Brunei
- British Forces Brunei
- Gurkha Reserve Unit
- British Army Jungle Warfare Training School
- Royal Brunei Armed Forces
- Alap-Alap Formation
- Brunei Darussalam International Defence Exhibition
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- No. 1563 Flight RAF
- National Service Programme
- Royal Brunei Armed Forces Sports Council
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- Comparative army officer ranks of the Commonwealth
- Comparative army enlisted ranks of Asia
- Comparative army enlisted ranks of the Commonwealth
- Template:Ranks and Insignia of Non NATO Armies/OF/Brunei
- Template:Ranks and Insignia of Non NATO Armies/OR/Brunei
- Military ranks of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces
- Halbi bin Mohammad Yussof
- Pengiran Aminan
- Ministry of Defence (Brunei)
- List of Royal Brunei Navy ships
- Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces
- User:碧海风/Sandbox/Comparative officer ranks
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- Muara Naval Base
- User:Ebu2022/sandbox
- Royal Brunei Air Force Base, Rimba
- List of equipment of the Royal Brunei Land Force
- Aminuddin Ihsan
- Mohammad Tawih
- Haszaimi Bol Hassan
- Khairul Hamed
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