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Morpho menelaus huebneri (Fischer, 1962)

Deutsch: Männlich - Zwei Ansichten des gleichen Exemplar
Fundort: Pará, Brasilien
English: Male - Two views of same specimen
Locality: Pará, Brasil
Español: Mariposa morfo azul (Morpho menelaus), macho - Vista dorsal y ventral del mismo ejemplar.
Ubicación: Pará, Brasil.
Français : Mâle - Deux vues du même spécimen
Localité: Pará, Brésil
Українська: Самець метелика морфо менелай (Morpho menelaus), роду морфо — два вигляди (дорсальний і вентральний) одного і того ж екземпляру,
Місцерозташування: штат Пара, Бразилія.
institution QS:P195,Q422
ⴰⵙⴰⴽⵓⴷ Taken on 19 ⵢⵓⵍⵢⵓⵣ 2011
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ⴰⵎⴳⴰⵢ Didier Descouens
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w:en:Creative Commons
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  • ⴱⴹⵓⵜ ⵎⴽⵍⵍⵉⵜ – ⵎⴽ ⵜⵙⵏⴼⵍⴷ ⵏⵖ ⵜⵙⵎⵓⵜⵜⵉⴷ ⵏⵖ ⵜⵥⴽⵉⴷ ⵖⴼ ⵜⵡⵓⵔⵉ, ⵉⵇⵇⴰⵏⴽ ⵉⴷ ⴰⴷ ⵜⴱⴹⵓⴷ ⵜⵓⵎⵓⵜⵉⵏ ⵏⴽ ⴷⴷⴰⵡ ⵜⵓⵔⴰⵇⵜ ⴰⵏⵏ ⵏⵉⵜ ⵏⵖ ⴽⵔⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵔⴰⴳⵜ ⴷ ⵢⵓⵙⴰⵏ ⴷ ⵜⴷⵙⵍⴰⵏⵜ.
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Camera location43° 35′ 38,03″ N, 1° 26′ 57,23″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View this and other nearby images on: OpenStreetMapinfo


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Wikimedia Commons

This file was the picture of the day on June 29, 2024.
This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here.
This image has been assessed under the valued image criteria and is considered the most valued image on Commons within the scope Morpho menelaus huebneri - Male. See its nomination here.

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depicts ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

Morpho menelaus ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

creator ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

some value

object has role ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ: photographer ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ
author name string ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ: Didier Descouens
Wikimedia username ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ: Archaeodontosaurus

copyright status ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

copyrighted ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

copyright license ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

19 ⵢⵓⵍⵢⵓⵣ 2011

source of file ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

original creation by uploader ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

Commons quality assessment ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

Wikimedia Commons featured picture ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

Wikimedia Commons valued image ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

coordinates of the point of view ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ

43°35'38.02980593962"N, 1°26'57.22698211670"E

media type ⵜⴰⵏⴳⵍⵉⵣⵜ


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ⴰⵎⵉⵔⴰⵏ08:28, 14 ⵢⵓⵍⵢⵓⵣ 2011ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 08:28, 14 ⵢⵓⵍⵢⵓⵣ 20118 848 × 3 800 (18,51 MB)Archaeodontosaurus{{Information |Description ={{en|1=x}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Archaeodontosaurus |Date = |Permission = |other_versions = }}

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ⵙⴽⵏ ⵓⴳⴳⴰⵔ ⵖⴼ ⵓⵙⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴰⵎⴰⵜⴰⵢ ⵏ ⵓⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ ⴰⴷ.
