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ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ:Multiverse - level II.svg

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ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ ⴰⵙⴰⵍⴰⵏ (ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ SVG, ⵙ 410 × 325 ⵉⴷ ⴱⵉⴽⵙⵍ, ⵜⵉⴷⴷⵉ ⵏ ⵓⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ: 136 KB)

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English: Level II Multiverse: every disk is a bubble universe. Universe 1 to Universe 6 are different bubbles, with distinct physical constants that are different from our universe. Our universe is just one of the bubbles.
English: Vectorisation of File:Multiverse - level II.GIF (by K1234567890y), by Lokal_Profil
中文:原图为K1234567890y制作的File:Multiverse - level II.GIF,本图为Lokal_Profil使用Vectorisation重制
English: *Original by K1234567890y
(ⵙⵙⵎⵔⵙ ⴷⴰⵖ ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ ⴰ)
English: Same as original
Public domain This work has been released into the public domain by its author, K1234567890y. This applies worldwide.

In some countries this may not be legally possible; if so:
K1234567890y grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

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15 ⵢⵓⵏⵢⵓ 2008

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ⴰⵙⴰⴽⵓⴷ/ⴰⴽⵓⴷⵜⴰⵡⵍⴰⴼⵜ ⵎⵥⵥⵉⵢⵏⵉⵎⵏⴰⴷⵏⴰⵏⵙⵙⵎⵔⵙⴰⵖⴼⴰⵡⴰⵍ
ⴰⵎⵉⵔⴰⵏ13:24, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 13:24, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013410 × 325 (136 KB)Begoonnah - just 2% will do
13:20, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 13:20, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013410 × 325 (136 KB)Begoontype 4% yelo
13:13, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 13:13, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013410 × 325 (136 KB)BegoonI'd like to live in a blue universe, so I can read it...
13:06, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 13:06, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013410 × 325 (136 KB)Begoonlast tweak to type
12:53, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 12:53, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013701 × 555 (130 KB)Begooncould stand a bit more saturation for small thumb size in article
12:48, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 12:48, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013701 × 555 (130 KB)Begoonless key
12:45, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 12:45, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013701 × 555 (130 KB)Begoontype keyline
12:36, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 12:36, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013701 × 555 (90 KB)Begoonsaturate
12:33, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 12:33, 24 ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ 2013701 × 555 (90 KB)Begoontry to make this less horrid...
11:01, 9 ⵢⵓⵏⵢⵓ 2013ⴰⵙⵎⵥⵉ ⵏ ⵜⵍⵇⵇⵎⵜ ⴳ 11:01, 9 ⵢⵓⵏⵢⵓ 2013700 × 420 (8 KB)Begoonchange font to Arial to try to get rid of weird rendering in some browsers
(ⴰⵎⴰⵢⵏⵓ | ⴰⵇⴱⵓⵔ) ⵙⴽⵏ (10 ⵉⵎⴰⵢⵏⵓⵜⵏ ⴰⴽⴽⵯ | ) (10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)

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ⵉⵡⵉⴽⵉⵜⵏ ⴰⴷ ⵢⴰⴹⵏⵉⵏ ⴰⵔ ⵙⵙⵎⵔⵙⵏ ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ ⴰⴷ:
